Creating new life
Creating new life
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Jeannette Eberhardy is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Jeannette. I’m 39 years old and I want nothing more than to give the man I’ve been with for 8 years a child. I have all my insides to carry our baby we just need a little bit of help from the doctor to put the embryo there. I have scarring in my Fallopian tubes from having a tubal at 23 which was a huge mistake. There is a possibility of having a tubal reversal ,but the professional opinion I got was ivf was more of a guarantee and much higher chance of creating the miracle then it would be to reverse the tubal. I do have three wonderful grown children. But sometimes in life things don’t work out and we don’t always end up with the person we think we’re going to be w forever. Well now I’m with my new love of my life he’s 35 and he deserves to be a daddy he works very hard but financially we need help. I’ve also asked and pray to God . I want him to be apart of this and I want my child to know that they were a miracle baby. They will know the whole story. God bless ya’ll . Much love.
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Jeannette Eberhardy is organizing this fundraiser.